Saturday, October 31, 2009

DD & remiscence!

this morning i woke up thinking of you...
'R'-been missing you of lately
its funny that in the last 2 yrs
you're still not replaced

I wish you were around...
with me...with all of us...
Leaving the family we made here
was something u did so smoothly
and it still looks impossible to me

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

if prayers reach the above...
i hope my little angel is protecting you
good times will start soon hun
all u gotta do is wait...
its all about trusting him
for the rest...the heavens are with you...
i love you..and everything i do
is in attempt to get closer to you

Friday, October 16, 2009

Hey u-
So there was something I was a part of today, that reminded me of you, your attempt to suicide, and I remembered hearing that from her. I missed you, and I wish I was a better friend then.

You were right. Life will take me somewhere, ill not like it, ill not want to be there, but ill be there, just to be honest to those childhood dreams...

I can give up a lot, for one more day of sitting besides you and pruths...I miss you, I truly do..
(dedicated to old friends, to MES, to suzy and that white uniform where u were green and I was blue)

Sunday, October 11, 2009

these 4 yrs...
i have walked
step by step
vacation by vacation
semester by semester

with change of friends,
change of support,
change of persona
change of dreams
change of heart
change of values
I have walked thus far...

these years
i shall never forget
these days...that made me
that shaped me...
life can be
such a dream...