Sunday, May 17, 2009

Week 1- Internship

I did a "dry - run" before my first day. It was perfect. The ambiance made me feel accepted.
Then well days passed, 3 fine days of training. The social was nice too. I just didnt like her sucking up to the ppl too much. May be I am a little jealous, but my be I am just disgusted by the whole idea of people giving up their ethics and by some overly-competitive people.

I miss Aman and Cia, every minute, every second...
they are a part of me here, and life is just so weird without them.
I have been very unspoken about it.
And there's this thing that I can call him
but i dont feel like it
I dont want to encourage a hand to his selfishness

3 more months to kill, and a blank 10 days to look forward to after that.

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