Saturday, April 3, 2010

To my dad, who is the best man I have ever met :)

my dad's a great person,
so warm, so affectionate
so giving, so practical,
so thoughtful, and so loving...

Dad, I really want to tell you this...
my eyes filled with happiness when you told me this
"you're a nice person too, you've given a lot to others and it'll come back"
thanks dad, thanks

its your niceness, the respect these ppl have for you
that gets n dad-you both are the best match ever

dying to see you soon, dad-thanks to the bond you've never left to die
mom-thanks to the affection that motivates me to come back passionately to a place where I have lost base with friends...DOHA is where I wanna go, coz that's the place we built our home...

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